The mission of the Kenton Neighborhood Association (KNA) is to support our community by advocating and promoting diversity, sustainability and livability of all neighbors. The KNA board meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Historic Kenton Firehouse, located at 8105 N Brandon. All residents are welcome.
Executive Committee:
- Chair: Terrance Moses (2023-2024)
- Vice Chair: Chris Kennard (2023-2024)
- Treasurer: Jonathan Rogers (2024-2026)
(photo coming soon) - Secretary: Oksana Jurovsky (2024-2026)
Board Members:
- Alexis Rife (2023-25)
- Angela Moos (2024-25)
(photo coming soon) - Casey McLaughlin (2023-25)
(photo coming soon) - Cassie Graves (2023-25)
- Elizabeth Peterson (2023-24)
(photo coming soon) - Linda Wysong (2023-25)
(photo coming soon) - Patricia O’Bannon (2023-25)
(photo coming soon) - Ryan Born (2023-25)
(photo coming soon) - Ryan Pittel (2023-25)
(photo coming soon)
Digital Media Support Team:
- Webmaster: Laura Lupardus (2024-)
- Resident: Alicia Gallo (2024-)
- Resident – Kenna Conklin (2024-)
(photo coming soon)
Org Chart
See our organizational chart here.
Voting Information
Elections are currently closed. Historically, in-person voting has been held at the Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon) in mid-June 14th from 6-8pm. Online voting has gone from 8am-8pm on a day in early June. Dates for future elections will be posted here. Please note that you must be 18 years or older and live, lease, rent and/or own any real property within Kenton to be eligible to vote in the KNA General Election.
Open Positions
There are currently no open positions on the KNA Board.
Get Involved
Yearly, KNA asks for neighbors to run for board member positions (one and two year terms) to help meet its mission of advocating and promoting diversity, sustainability and livability of all neighbors. Check out the position description for board members. Check back here later to see when elections will be open.
If you would like to get involved but aren’t interested in joining the board, we have a series of committees that offer numerous opportunities:
- Help take care of the Kenton Rose Garden and/or communal garden outside the Kenton Community Garden
- Manage the KNA Website, Facebook, or Instagram account
- Join the campaign to ban leaded fuel at PIR
- Oversee the design process of the Kenton Connect newsletter
- Work with a sister organization, Friends Of Ours PDX, to making friends on purpose housed and houseless
- Participate in neighborhood cleanup activities
- Connect with and find way to support neighbors living in affordable housing or transitional shelters
- Deliver a route of the Kenton Connect newsletter
Please contact us to learn more!
Committees & Active Community Members:
Each committee and group coordinates projects, events and activities. You do NOT need to be a board member or attend board meetings to participate on a committee. We need volunteers and are flexible! Commit to as little or as much as you can.
- Environmental
- Topics: leaded gas at PIR, Zenith, Malarkey grants, community garden, etc.
- Lead: Chris Guthrie
- Additional Members:
- Alexis Rife
- Karen Guillen-Chapman
- Kristy Ivicek Lanciotti
- Linda Wysong
- Patricia O’Bannon
- Ryan Pitell
- Events
- Topics: Marketing, fundraising, Kenton street fair booth, booth at farmers market, garage sale, summer free for all, etc.
- Lead: Cassie Graves
- Additional Members:
- Alexis Rife
- Angela Moos
- Casey McLaughlin
- Chris Kennard
- Ryan Born
- Ryan Pitell
- Email:
- Livability
- Topics: Trash cleanup, traffic safety, noise, land use):
- Lead: Terrance Moses
- Additional Members:
- Cassie Graves
- Ryan Born
- Ryan Suarez (?)
- Outreach (Communications, social media, Kenton Connect, website):
- Lead: Angela Moos
- Additional Members:
- Alexis Rife
- Casey McLaughlin
- Chris Kennard
- Elizabeth Peterson
- Ryan Born
- Walt Scher
- Paul Bunyan Stewardship:
- Lead: Open
- Additional Members:
- Angela Moos
- Terrance Moses
- Patricia O’Bannon
- Gloria Pittel
- Linda Wysong
- Rose Garden:
- Lead: Taffy Everts
- Additional Members:
- Adele Thompson