Hybrid Meetings
Please join us for KNA meetings, held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm, online via Zoom and in-person at the Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon Ave).
***NEW Zoom Meeting Link*** as of January 2025
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84389693411?pwd=1vm5xdk1Tz5hMP4jXhyLyONXxaarGX.1
- Meeting ID: 843 8969 3411
- Passcode: 713438
Old Zoom Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88327736248?pwd=zkfnZnl2ODlvylm1n0qvdwowme9eqt09
Meeting ID: 883 2773 6248
Passcode: 390139